No One Cares About Your Lunch: Adapting Your Voice for Online Communications


In a world that constantly overshares, it’s difficult to avoid the ubiquitous status about your friend’s organic, locavore, gluten-free dinner. It’s become almost impossible to browse Instagram without a grainy shot of someone’s sad-looking sushi lunch.

Why do we feel that what we’re eating is so utterly compelling? Why does this practice irritate our networks so much? And how can we take the lessons we learn from your lunch to create better social content for brands?

Social media strategist, content developer and community manager Helen Androlia (Draftfcb) talks about how one grilled cheese sandwich kicked off an interest in the psychological, sociological and anthropological ideas behind the current trend of meal-sharing on social media, and how we can take these ideas to improve online communications to build better relationships between brands and users.

Questions Answered

  1. Writing better online content
  2. Consumer habits and preferences
  3. Contextual advertising
  4. Social media strategies

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