It’s easy to recognize to the power of playing with Twitter data and anyone working in social media marketing can tell you the importance of monitoring metrics for justifying the ROI of your work. However, while a number of tools provide information about trending topics and keywords, there are few software as user-friendly as the free Netlytic by Dalhousie’s social media lab. Without needing to learn any code, users can import datasets from Google Drive and visualize major trends within the text as well as network structure based on Retweets and mentions. We’ll begin by looking at some of the different methods for mining tweets, paid and free, and then share an example dataset to experiment with the Netlytic software during the workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops if possible and a Storify will made of participants tweets following the session, in order to combine material from the workshop with any real-time questions or comments. Users with their own data they would like to use are encouraged to upload it to Google Drive prior to the workshop.
At the end of the workshop, we will take a quick look at some of the interesting premium tools available to users and the results from one of Adrian’s data mining projects.
Questions Answered
- How to collect and maintain a continuous stream of Twitter data surrounding a particular keyword
- Uploading and manipulating datasets in Google Drive for use with Netlytic
- Visualizing Twitter Networks with Netlytic
- Visualizing Keyword use over time with Netlytic
- Designing data-mining projects for Twitter
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