How not to suck at social customer service

This is a Intermediate Panel

Great job! Your company is actively helping resolve customer service issues via social. You’re doing all the right things to protect brand and reputation. You’re out there. You’re doing it. You’re involved. Your customers love it. You love it. But now what? How do you take your social customer service initiatives to the next level? What’s next? How will you convince your c-suite to make further investments?

If your team is already active in Social Media Support, this is the panel for you. Communities Managers from Rogers, Chevrolet, Freshbooks and Hailo will talk about what worked for them and how they’re pushing forward. Topics will include, new engagement opportunities, making the most of your content, showing success internally, scaling your operation and social crm.

Questions Answered

  1. Customer service on social media: how to push it forward


