Three reasons you should attend PodCamp Toronto #PCTO13

Photo courtesy of griffintech on Flickr:

Photo courtesy of griffintech on Flickr:

If you’ve never been to PodCamp Toronto before, you’re probably wondering what it’s all about and what’s in it for you. Mostly, you’re probably asking yourself “why would I want to give up my weekend for an “industry” event?” Fair questions. In just three reasons, here’s why:

It’s free!
You read that right – PodCamp Toronto is 100% free for all attendees thanks to the support of our amazing sponsors. On top of that, it’s open doors at PCTO, and you can come and go as you please. Join us for a few sessions, or stay for the entire weekend – it’s up to you! Just be sure to register ;).

You’ll meet awesome people
Attendees of PCTO don’t “network” – they make friends, share knowledge and become a member of the PodCamp family. Some amazing collaborations and lasting friendships have been formed at past PodCamps, and PCTO13 will be no exception. Expect to leave with some new friends!

You will learn A LOT
PCTO13 is packed with great sessions on everything from “How to develop a killer content marketing strategy,” to “The ‘Glamourous’ World of Entertainment PodCasting,” to “Easy and Beautiful Video Blogging,” and everything in between. At PCTO you choose the sessions that will be most valuable to you. If you’re not getting what you expected out of a session we encourage you to use the “law of two feet” and make your way to something that will be more beneficial for you. Check out all of the awesome sessions we have lined up here.

Bonus reason: it’s FREE!
Oh wait, we already told you that… see you there, Ryerson University February 23 & 24!

If you have any questions, tweet your Qs to us anytime @PodCampToronto or reach us on our Facebook page

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