5 Ways you can get involved with PodCamp Toronto and make sure #PCTO13 kicks ass

It’s our amazing community – the presenters, sponsors, volunteers and attendees, that keep PodCamp Toronto kicking ass year after year. If you’re new to the PCTO community and wondering how you can take part, here’s a list of five ways to get involved:

Submit a session

We’ve got a ton of great sessions lined up so far, and there’s always room for more. Give a session or form a panel and share your knowledge with the PCTO community! Anyone can submit a session for PodCamp Toronto – just fill out the session submission form.


PodCamp Toronto is free for all attendees thanks to our amazing supporters. Sponsoring PCTO has several benefits – most importantly the earned goodwill of about 1,000 of Toronto’s top creatives, techies and communicators. All money raised goes directly into making sure PodCamp is a killer event.

Become a Friend of PodCamp

Friends of PodCamp chip in because they see the value that PCTO provides and know how important it is to the community. Friends of PodCamp are featured on our donor wall, and are guaranteed good karma. Donating is easy, just follow this link and click the “Become a Friend” button!


Volunteers will be needed on the weekend of the event to chip in and help out in a number of ways. If you want to work with a great team and be a part of making PCTO13 awesome, just fill out this form and someone will be in touch!

Spread the word.

Tell your friends and get them to register!


